In 1999 the Urban Task Force led by Lord Rogers published the report “Working Towards Renaissance”, championing a holistic approach to urban regeneration, part of which recommended the introduction of a standardised documentation describing the condition of brownfield sites as part of any transaction process.
Following consultation across a broad range of organisations, property developers and government, the Land Condition Report (LRC) was launched, supported by a quality assurance sign off system by an accredited professional. To meet this need the Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) registration scheme was introduced; a register for experienced practitioners from a diverse range of professional bodies working in the brownfield regeneration sector and advising on land condition matters.
Whilst the scheme was initially designed as a qualification for the sign off of the LRC, it has developed progressively, establishing an important role in improving quality and standards across the industry.
What is a SiLC?
The SiLC Register Limited provides an accreditation scheme for experienced individuals who have demonstrated a high degree of experience, competence and skill in land assessment during their career. Qualification to the register is gained through examination and interview. A SiLC is not expected to be a technical expert in all disciplines associated with land condition assessment but rather have a clear overview of the procedures, is able to demonstrate a broad awareness, knowledge and understanding of land condition issues, and can give impartial and professional advice in their field of expertise.
The SiLC scheme is an industry-leading initiative that helps to enhance professional standards, assists with career development and imposes a strong, ethical code of conduct by which all SiLCs must abide.
How can I register to become a SiLC?
To become a SiLC you must have a sufficient number of years’ experience of relevant work since graduation, as well as be a member of a professional body at an appropriate level. As a registered SiLC you should:
be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of their particular area of expertise
- be able to demonstrate awareness and some understanding of other relevant fields and professions required in land management
- be able to demonstrate objective judgement in information and data management
- be able to communicate well and manage effective interaction between interested parties
- show familiarity, understanding and ability to complete all sections of the Land Condition Record
- know and demonstrate a willingness to comply with all sections of the Code of Practice (see SiLC Candidate application guidelines).
You must go through the three-step application process before becoming a SiLC including an open book examination.
Who administers the scheme?
The Specialist in Land Condition Register Limited is administered by the SiLC Professional and Technical Panel (PTP) comprises of representatives from eight of the Professional Bodies who are all members of the Company and act as the ruling committee in all registrations. The organisations that make up the PTP are:
Further information
For further information about SiLC, becoming a member or any general enquiries, please contact: SiLC c/o the Secretariat Forum Court Associates. Tel: + 44 (0)20 3700 8659
+ 44 (0)20 3700 8659 or email: