Helping your research to make an impact
Part 2 – promoting your published article
As your publisher, the Geological Society of London will be actively engaged in promoting your article through social media, in email newsletters, at conferences and events as well as in print. Here are our five top tips for ways in which you can complement our work to make your research as widely read as possible.
- All our authors receive free e-prints – access to a specified number of downloads of the final PDF. While these e-prints may not be used for commercial purposes or posted on openly accessible websites (unless your paper is Open Access), you can circulate to key individuals who may be interested. Send an e-print to key authors cited in your article and active researchers in your field.
- Use social media: tweet about your article, post on Facebook or LinkedIn but don’t forget to mention your DOI every time you tweet or post. Use a relevant hashtag to gain a bigger reach, such as #fossilfriday. Let us know what social networks you are on so we can re-tweet and share your post (we are @geolsoc). If you don’t have any social media accounts email us and we will upload to social media. Don’t forget for selected sites you can check out the Altmetrics score of your published article by opening the ‘Info & Metrics’ tab of your article in the Lyell Collection or by using the Altmetric Bookmarklet.

- Blog about your article and encourage discussion with fellow researchers on LinkedIn groups. Please email us if you’d like to write a piece for the GeolSoc blog.
- Put a link to the DOI in your email signature to let everyone know about your latest published research. We can create a banner for you to add to the bottom of your email, please email us to find out more.

- Make sure your institutional or corporate web pages are updated to include details of yourlatest article and add it to any reading lists for your students or colleagues. Always include alink back to the article in our Lyell Collection so that readers can easily locate it.
Together we can maximize the audience for your work and ensure that your research makes an impact.
Best wishes
The Production Team