The Geological Society and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland are pleased to announce the Hazel Prichard student bursary. The bursary, funded by her family, honours the achievements of Professor Hazel Prichard (1954–2017) in the mineral sciences.
The bursary provides up to £3000 and is available to support an undergraduate or taught MSc student in undertaking a research project that may or may not form part of their degree course.
- The bursary is specifically to support geological fieldwork with an applied element or a short-term placement as a geologist with a mineral exploration or mining company when undertaking a research project that may or may not form part of their degree course.
- The research project should be relevant to the understanding of mineral genesis and the processes of concentration, mineral exploration, the development of resources or the environmental impact of extraction of metalliferous or other minerals, excluding oil and gas.
- The bursary is specifically for travel (within UK and/or overseas), and living support whilst in the field or at a mine site. It is not to be used for any associated costs for analyses or other laboratory work, which must be covered by the university or mining company.
- The cost of attending a conference associated with the research project can be included as a minor component of the bursary.
The student should be registered for a BSc, MSci, MGeol, MSc or equivalent degree in the subject area of geoscience at a university in the UK or Ireland. (Applications by those studying for a research post-graduate degree, e.g. MPhil, PhD, MRes or MSc by research, will not be accepted.)
How to apply
To apply, please submit an application statement that describes the project’s aim and objectives, details of the research to be undertaken, the logistics, the names and background information of any companies involved.
The statement should include a projected financial budget. Please also include a one page cv and the name and contact details of a university supervisor or tutor who has agreed to provide a reference.
If applicable, details of the contact in the proposed host company should also be given.
Applications should be sent to The deadline for applications for 2023 is 15 February
Expectations of the successful student
It is a condition of the bursary that the student produces a short report of the activities undertaken at the end of the period of fieldwork or placement. The report should include a summary of the geological findings, a geological map (if appropriate) or other similar visual and spatial output, and an assessment of how the bursary has aided the student in achieving their degree and career ambitions.
A financial statement detailing how the money was spent will also be required. Any published or unpublished report resulting from the bursary should acknowledge the financial support.
Hazel Prichard
The bursary is funded in memory of Professor Hazel Prichard, BSc, PhD, MBA by her family.
Professor Prichard was a member of staff in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at Cardiff University and for many years was the Director of the Exploration and Resource Geology degree course. Previously she was a Royal Society Research Fellow at the Open University.
She was an international authority on ophiolites and platinum-group element mineralisation and the anthropogenic release of these elements into the environment.
About the bursary
The bursary is awarded jointly by the Geological Society and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland in conjunction with their specialist groups (the Mineral Deposits Studies Group and the Applied Mineralogy Group, respectively).