At the forefront of energy geoscience...
The Energy Group is a specialist group of the Geological Society of London dedicated to all geoscience aspects of the full cycle delivery of energy to society including, but not limited to: petroleum; carbon capture, utilisation and storage; radioactive waste disposal; geothermal energy; and the role of geoscience in renewable energy sources.
The Group organises a significant number of events each year, ranging from evening lectures and debates through to scientific workshops and conferences of up to three days in duration.
Typical attendance at our events held at Burlington House (the home of the Geological Society on Piccadilly, London) is up to approximately 150 persons, but larger events are periodically organised elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Attendees are a mix of industry professionals, academics, specialist contractors, consultants and students, largely with a technical interest.
The Energy Group seeks sponsorship for all its scientific events, which allows the Energy Group to defray the fixed costs of the event (such as the venue, audio-visual provision and administration). Sponsorship is also used to assist academic and retired speakers with their costs of attendance, subsidise student attendees and, where the event culminates in a publication, to underwrite the cost of high-quality publications through the Geological Society’s Publishing House.
Sponsorship is structured relatively simply. Sponsors are asked to contribute a sum with which they feel comfortable and consummate with the size of their organisation, typically in the range of c. £1,000 to £5,000 per company, per event, dependent on the size of company and scale of the event.
Sponsors receive the prominence of having their company's logo on all event posters, advertisements, abstract book and any other appropriate conference material.
The Energy Group is also open to specific sponsorship arrangements or requests, such as sponsorship of meals and drinks during events or sponsorship of a number of student attendees. In addition, the Energy Group is keen to engender longer-term relationships with potential sponsors, for example through sponsorship of all or a significant number of the Group’s events through an annual arrangement, which reduces administration for all parties.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact in the first instance.
The Energy Group is extremely grateful for the annual support provided by our current Corporate Sponsors.