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Trusts and Foundations

Examining fossils at Green Park Tube Station_GEA 2016

Teachers examining fossils at Green Park station 
while attending the Geoscience Education Academy

We are very grateful to the Trusts and Foundations that support the Geological Society.

As an independent and unsubsidised charitable organisation, funding from trusts and foundations enable us to offer services to our Fellowship and the general public through:

  • An increasing range of educational and community outreach activities
  • Improved access to geological resources
  • Conserving and developing our world class library 
  • Continuing to provide a home for geoscience

Get in touch

For further information on supporting the Geological Society through your Charitable Trust or Foundation, please get in touch via

We would be delighted to work with you to promote the future of geoscience. 


For more information on Trust support, please contact:

Jenny Boland
Head of Development

+44 (0)20 7434 9944